Please join us as we recap Joe Beam’s book, Seeing the Unseen (Preparing Yourself for Spiritual Warfare). The dedication reads, “For my wife, Alice, If it had not been for her unquenchable love, I surely would have lost my spiritual war.”
Satan’s strategies haven’t changed because they are still effective. First, he distorts the truth, next comes a hardening of the heart, then sensitivity is lost followed by an immersion in sensuality and finally spiritual destruction. His game plan worked with Adam and Eve and sadly it is still successful today.
Destruction comes to those who don’t love Truth. Christians aren’t immune, however, God hasn’t left us defenseless against evil. The vantage is ours but we must choose to use it:
Spiritual Vision = Discernment + Bible Knowledge
“Humans didn’t invent evil and we will never eradicate it. Knowing there is a devil deceiving people into sin arms me for a successful fight.”
Helpful questions to ask ourselves:
Who benefits, God or satan?
Who would be pleased, God or satan?
Which people in my life encourage me spiritually or worldly?
Just as gold is refined, so is our faith. Through trials, pain, and loss we must learn to trust God on this journey and not give the devil a foothold. Remember what he used to get to Job, evil people, natural disasters, boils, and even good people. He uses the same on us. “We don’t have enough strength to face life when things get bad. Fortunately, God does. By His Spirit and by His power, He places His strength in our hearts.”
“We cannot live like the enemy and continue in the ranks of the righteous. It is a war of commitment. The one we surrender to becomes our master.” (2Pet. 2:19)
Connects with the Native American adage:“Two natures beat within my breast, one is cursed, one is blest, One I love, one I hate, The one I feed will dominate.”
Are you ready to see the unseen? As Kate says, “Let’s dive in!”
You can listen to Joe Beam and his daughter on the podcast Relationship Radio…Marriage Helper found on Apple podcast.