We know through our research and working with recruiters for 20+ years that too much time is spent sourcing. Almost a 3rd of the average recruiter’s time is spent sourcing, and profits are often unnecessarily spent on salaries and systems – but they are not necessarily being 3rd more competitive.
This recruitment podcast will give you some key takeaways to help improve focus, function, and ROI from sourcing.
Effective Sourcing Strategies for Busy Recruiters
This Sourcing Strategies podcast is a “must-listen” for:
Recruiters who want to spend less time sourcing so that they get as much phone, face, and screening / selling time as possible.
Recruitment Leaders who want to make their recruitment businesses more competitive and profitable.
Marketing / Operations teams who want to help their recruiters focus their time and attention on candidate and client management, and thus improve sales.
Oh! And if you need to cut spend and improve speed.
In this episode of the Recruitment Leaders’ Podcast, I’m joined by Alex from Broadbean, who knows all about sourcing and recruitment technology.
Alex is here to help us work our way through this big topic, and help us focus on how to ensure sourcing is not time or budget consuming, and how to ensure sourcing delivers results!
Alex from Broadbean and I talked about:
What do native (and ancient) Greeks know about Sourcing?
How can you assess the true ROI of advertising channels?
What are Programmatic VS subscription advertising strategies?
Sourcing is just one part of the recruitment lifecycle, so how do you balance your sourcing strategies and time?
How do you ensure that you’re not a hostage to one application source?
In the current market, speed often means the focus is on active candidates. But often active candidates are not enough to sustain your pipeline. What do recruiters really need to do to activate the passive candidate market?
How do you source candidates and secure future value?
How can you reduce dependency on LinkedIn?
Recruitment technology: integration is key how do you develop a marketplace approach so to future-proof your recruitment business
This is a 30-minute Recruitment Leaders’ Podcast packed with sourcing ideas and tips for recruiters, their leaders, and their marketing ops support. Listen, and let me know which tips you will take away.
Read more about how we work with recruitment leaders to generate ROI from your people, data, systems with our recruitment training courses on Recruitment HIIT.
Thanks, Alex, for being such a great guest on my Recruitment Leaders’ Podcast.
Listen and subscribe to the rest of our Recruitment Leader Podcast Series on SoundCloud or find us on iTunes!
How to Make Your Recruiter Your Coolest Tool
Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters and resourcers source, convert quicker and develop healthy pipelines. We aim to save every recruiter and resourcer at least 1 hour per day (6 working weeks a year). Hence, more billing time and more fees!
We’d love you to try Recruitment HIIT for free.