We all have dreams and ideas, but how we go about bringing them down into reality makes the difference between one project to the next. Dragon Dreaming Project Design methodology appeared in my life exactly when I was searching for a holistic project methodology that would look at the projects as a means for us, our team, and the world to transform. In this episode, I am talking with John Croft, a mentor and teacher who has developed the Dragon Dreaming project design methodology and is applied in projects in more than 54 countries worldwide since the 1990s. This episode is a must if you have a new project in mind.
John Croft is an international trainer and consultant, who for 40 years, has worked in the field of ecologically sustainable community education and community economic development. He has worked around the world speaking, educating, and running workshops. He is the co-founder of the Gaia Foundation in Australia and co-designer of the Dragon Dreaming Project Design System Methodology. Dragon Dreaming combines the wisdom of Australian Aborigines, Living Systems Theory, Deep Ecology with methods of traditional project management and the ideas of hundreds of thinkers, educators and change agents such as Gandhi, Paolo Freire, Carl Jung, Joana Macy, Scott Peck, Arnold Mindell, Marshall Rosenberg and others.