We try to work hard, we show up for others, we maintain good values and habits and yet still we feel frustrated, annoyed, fearful, or disappointed in our life.
When things don’t go the way we planned or other people continue to let us down; it’s often because our expectations are not being met.
So what can we do?
First, I believe it’s important to understand the difference between INTENTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS
And second, if we can get in the habit of SETTING CLEAR INTENTIONS we will be more in charge of our life, rather than just reacting to how life happens to us.
To put it simply INTENTIONS are structure and direction of the energy and actions we put out into the world; and EXPECTATIONS are the thoughts, hopes and wishes that we attach to the energy we put out. Ie. what we hope happens.
Whenever we feel disappointment, it is often because we are attached to the desired result, the expectation.
Though the reality is we DON’T HAVE CONTROL over the actions of others, we can’t control things outside of ourselves, other people, or our surroundings.
What WE DO HAVE CONTROL OVER is our own intention, our own actions, inactions, thoughts, and presentations to the world.
So, what are your intentions?
How are you starting your day?
Can you relinquish your expectations?