Welcome to Regal Real Reckless! … Where poise meets purpose and passion.
Each week Jae Every Dae explores everyday topics like relationships, mental health, sex, spirituality and more, but from the perspective of a woman figuring it out along the way.
Sponsor message: 0:23
This week’s sponsor is Get Up and Ride Nola.
Here in New Orleans every Tuesday is a vibe when we get up and ride. Lit color wheels coming through. But Get up and ride is available for more than just Tuesday night fun…whether you just need a bike to rent or want to do a bike tour, #GetUpRideNOLA is the cities biking connect.
Visit and follow https://www.instagram.com/getupnride_nola/
What Jae Gotta Sae?: 0:55
Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is
Hi Jae, I’m 24 years old and I am still a virgin. Growing up I was very intentional in not falling into the cycles that I saw around me as a result of sex so I avoided it. There were times I wanted to just do it because I enjoyed the stories and excitement a lot of my friends had from it or if I found a guy attractive in every way. I wasn’t ever prude I just always saw sex as something very powerful until I realized Im a chooser lol. That power is mine and I don’t have to bend or except what thrown my way. Sex was always a topic in my household (Scorpio mom) . How do I put myself out there to receive what I want, but maintain full control?
You’re well on your way to being in control just because you desire to be. Manifest the sexual experiences and interactions you want. Being dickmitized is real… so be sure to only share your body with those who share your frequency.
Show Topic: 4:44
Emotional awareness is necessary to establish emotional boundaries
Before successfully setting boundaries I had to be honest with myself about how I felt. …I am empathetic.
Separate what I feel from what others feel… it’s not my job to make others feel comfortable.
I found My boundaries in the shadows and dark moments.
You have the right to feel good all the time.
Go where it feels good… a yes to others should not feel like a no to yourself.
Closing: 19:34
Some shit I saw: “Empathy without boundaries is self destruction.”
I affirm that my boundaries are necessary to become and protect the best version of myself
Thanks for joining us this week on Regal Real Reckless!
Please take time to visit our website, RegalRealReckless.com, where you can leave your questions to see What Jae Gotta Sae and to subscribe to the show so you’ll never miss an episode.
Also or if you’d simply tell a friend about the show, that energy would be greatly appreciated as well.