In this episode, we interview the President of Florida Actiona Committee, Gail Colletta.
From the Florida Action Committe website:
The purpose of Florida Action Committee is to educate the media, our legislators and the public with the facts surrounding Sex Offender Issues. Our concern is for every citizen of Florida to enjoy a safer environment, particularly our children.
Today people have access to a world of information through the media, internet and newspapers. Often times, information become distorted and it becomes hard to distinguish sensationalism from fact.
Our current policies for sex offender management are failing. We need to fix our broken system to create a safer Florida.
We need to realize the fiscal impact this failing system has created, the unintended consequences and immoral burden 60,000 citizens in Florida are subjected to daily, the many civil and human rights violations as well.
We encourage our Legislators to consider how important for us to step out of the box, take a broader view of these issues and create more reasonable and more fiscally responsible legislation we can benefit by for a long time to come.
Although Government’s intent was well-meaning, there is enough history to evaluate and recognize that now is the time for redirection. The collateral damage is evident and unbelievably sad. It is not too late to make changes for Florida and our Nation.
Today more than ever, citizens of Florida need to take a stand. Florida needs courageous leaders to write and support legislation that is truly for the best interest of the people and the future of our State.