During this Covid pandemic, there's another pandemic affecting millions around the world: depression. And no Dwight, depression isn't just a fancy word for being "bummed out." It's a serious illness that's infected people at a faster rate than Covid has. It's something that weighs heavy on my heart and needs to be brought to the surface for all to see.
So whether you've dealt with it for most of your life, a few years or just recently due to quarantining and isolation, this special edition talk is for you. And if you or a loved one is struggling with depression and contemplating suicide: PLEASE CALL 1-800-237-TALK (8255) OR GO ONLINE TO WWW.SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFELINE.ORG OR WWW.GROUNDWIRE.ORG
If you've ever thought about sharing my podcast with anyone, please let today be that day. Not here for the views or listens, but this topic could be life changing.