"The potential for remote work is determined by tasks and activities and not by occupation."
In this week's episode, we're reviewing the results of McKinsey's November 2020 analysis of remote work tasks and activities. As opposed to what jobs can be done remotely, their analysis explores the (arguably more interesting) question of what types of tasks and activities can be done remotely -- including those that can be done 'without productivity loss'.
McKinsey report: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/whats-next-for-remote-work-an-analysis-of-2000-tasks-800-jobs-and-nine-countries
99pi podcast episode referenced in the episode: https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/invisible-women/
Remote work news: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidjeans/2022/01/18/better-ceo-vishal-garg-returns-softbank/
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