It's African American Mental Health Awareness Week, a week designed to expand understanding of mental health issues among the African American/Black population, reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental illness, and promote culturally responsive service delivery.
In this new episode, hear about mental health in African American communities, the challenges and stigmas that can contribute to African American mental health access, and steps to take to help further the conversation about mental health in African American communities.
The episode features perspectives from Dr. Gwen Dowdy-Rodgers, Community Development Specialist with Pacific Clinics and Co-chair of DBH’s African American Awareness subcommittee, as well as Daphne Hawkins, Founder, and President of The LOVE Program, an organization that aids in the advancement of young women of color at risk in high school and throughout college. Plus, Tricina Edwards, DBH Nurse Manager, shares information about some of the barriers African Americans face that affect their decisions to seek mental health care.
Register for the Know the Signs event taking place on Friday, Feb. 17 from 4-7 p.m. at the San Bernardino Unified School District Professional Development Center Building.
For more information about the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, visit