The Bride, Wife of the Lamb
Introduction: The last three chapters of Revelation summarize the message of all scripture. God created man in his own image for the purpose of having an eternal relationship with him. Man was given a freewill to choose that relationship or to rebel against his own Creator. God offered perfect joy and perfect peace to those who accepted. But for those who rejected, all that remains is eternal separation from God and from the joy and peace that can only be found in him.
These final chapters present the end result of both choices.
Consider: This is reality! I have talked to many people who do not like this reality and would like to pretend that it just won’t end up that way. They can live as they desire and escape condemnation. When the Babylonians surrounded Jerusalem in the book of Jeremiah, that’s what they thought! These chapters place Judgment and Glory side by side. Both are intended by Jesus to be strong motivators to us so we will make the right choice. Judgment is sure –– illustrated time and again throughout history both on the whole world in the Flood and on empires and nations who rejected God.But though Judgment is usually the initial motivator of sinful man, glory was God’s first motivation, and in the final pages of scripture, it is his last motivation. “Come, I Will Show You the Bride…”What an invitation this angel gives to John! We have already been introduced to the Bride, but now John will actually see her. We feel that! We love to see a bride ready on her wedding day. In this picture is the bride of all brides!Verse 10: Instead of seeing a woman, John sees a city, a holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven, having the glory of God — Created, made by God.Compare a similar scene in chapter 17, where we already saw a city, but that city was depicted as a prostitute, dripping with the blood of the saints, and described as the “great city that rules of the kings of the earth.”You will remember that in Isaiah 24-26, there was also a contrast of two cities, one a “world city” that promoted all the wickedness of the evil one, and the other God’s “strong city” on the “mountain of the Lord of hosts, filled with righteousness and holiness. See Isaiah 24:1-16There is also a contrast of where these two women/cities are seen. In chapter 17, the prostitute is in a wilderness. But the Bride is seen on a great, high mountain. Cf. Ezekiel 40:2 beginning the description of the temple of the Lord.In scripture, those who are “dead” and without God and hope are pictured as a wilderness full of thorns and briars.But when God speaks of his kingdom and his people, it is a mountain that is above all other mountains (Isaiah 2:2), and it is a fruitful, life-giving land. That is who we are.But again, the choice is placed before us – a mountain or a wilderness? Which will it be?The following description causes most people to think of heaven as jewels, streets of gold, and pearly gates. But remember, this “city, the new Jerusalem” is a picture of the bride. The bride is a community, the collective of all the righteous, and it is pictured as strong and pure and beautiful and everything that is desirable. For reference sake, this description is borrowed from Ezekiel 40-48 that describes the coming temple of the Lord during the time in which there was no temple and that the physical temple that would be rebuilt had nothing to do with the description that was prophesied. It could be nothing else but what John now describes, a heavenly temple city. Let’s consider the symbology:Vs. 10: “coming down from heaven from God” – said here a second time and indicates that we have now been perfected by God himself ready for our marriage to the Lamb.Vs. 11: “having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel…” Scripture repeatedly promised us that we would be glorified, having God’s glory. Reminds us of Moses’ tabernacle completion and Solomon’s temple –– the glory of God filled each.Vs. 12-13: “great high wall…names of the twelve tribes of Israel inscribed… symbolizing the perfect number of God’s true Israel (do you remember the origin of the name “Israel?” The wrestling of Jacob with the angel and winning the fight, demanding to be blessed: Israel: “wrestles with God and prevailed.” (Cf. Hosea 12)
The gates are not for protection, but a means of entrance for the righteous.
Vs. 14: “twelve foundations…twelve names of the twelve apostles.” That is so interesting/significant! This city is built on the teachings of the apostles and prophets. It is build on what is revealed in the NT. If we are this city, the only way is our adherence to its foundation! Vs. 16: “the city lies foursquare…12,000 stadia in each direction.” People usually want to know how far that is. Well, it is about 1300-1500 miles depending on who you are reading. But that is not the concern! 12,000 is the concern, because the number is symbolic. Twelve is God’s perfect number of the saved and multiples of 1000 is the power number.Notice also that it is a cube, just like the Most Holy Place. We are living with the Lord in the real Most Holy Place where no one was allowed in the physical without suffering death.Vs. 18-20: “foundations of the wall were adorned with every kind of jewel.” These precious stones have an interesting background. Nearly the same stones are mentioned in at least three OT texts:Exodus 28 identifies these stones on Aaron’s high priest garment, reflecting the holiness of being in the presence of God in the Most Holy Place.Ezekiel 28:12-13 inserts these stones to describe the perfection of Adam or possibly Satan at their original creation.Isaiah 54:11-13 fits perfectly with the foundations of our text as it refers to God exalting his people and giving them foundations for their restoration that provide peace and righteousness. The jewels, pure gold, and pearls all represent the beauty and splendor of being a glorious city. And remember, it is the bride who is being described! This picture may be hard to imagine. As we all sit here together, we know enough about each other to recognize our flaws. We know we are not worthy. How can the Lord invite us to be his bride? But that is what he is doing – giving us an invitation. I can just see all of us looking down and away, unable to look up at him. We mumble the words, “you wouldn’t want me.” But Jesus sees something in us that we all ought to see in each other –– a heart that desires him more than anything even with a flesh that is weak. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, he will clothe us “with fine linen, bright and pure…having the glory of God, a radiance like a most rare jewel.” Imagine all of us perfected, gazing around at each other, the Lord God having brought us to be everything we have always desired – “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing…holy and without blemish.”Vs. 22: “and I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God…” Remember in John 2:19-21, Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up…But he was speaking of the temple of his body.” As Jesus first cleansed and then destroyed the earthly temple, he replaced it with himself. There is no longer need for intercession in an earthly temple, for we are present with Jesus and he is our temple.Vs. 23: “…no need for sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the lamp is the Lamb.” Isaiah also prophesied of this: “The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.” (Isaiah 60:19). Vs. 24-27 Nations and kings will now come into the city bringing glory and honor to God (Isa. 2:2-3). The gates are never shut because there is no fear of anyone wicked entering. And most beautifully, “nothing unclean will ever enter it…but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Conclusion: How do you think of yourself?
Do you see yourself as beautiful and glorious? Do you think of yourself as being worthy to be courted and invited to be the bride of the Lamb, who gave himself up to present you to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing…holy and without blemish?” That’s what he has done! Will you deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him? What is your decision?
The post Revelation 21:9-27 A New Heaven and New Earth appeared first on Woodland Hills Church of Christ.