Restoration! In the Garden Again
Introduction: This last chapter of Revelation, and the last chapter of our Bibles, is very, very special. The message doesn’t speak to the “end,” but to the beginning of God’s plan since before the foundation of the world.
As we read it, we must ask ourselves, “What then has the thousands of years since the beginning been all about? What is it that God has been doing?” This chapter is truly an answer to David’s question in Psalm 8: “What is man that you are mindful of him?”
Therefore, amazingly the picture is of another creation. We have seen the creation of the heavens and earth, the re-creation of man in God’s on image, and now, the creation of a “New Garden,” new dwelling place, a new heavens and new earth where God and his creation enjoy eternity together forever. I’m sure God has told us all that our finite minds can understand, and even what he has told us is beyond our imagination.
Reminder: this is our reality! There are only two futures: the lake of fire or the new Jerusalem. There is nothing else. It is nothing more than a fantasy to think that we can live the “reality” we desire and then find a third option. It is God or suffering, and it is past time to make a decision!
Concluding Picture of the New Jerusalem: 22:1-5The words of 21:2-3 is the reminder of where we are in the description of our future home – “…prepared as a bride adorned for her husband…the dwelling place of God is with man.” Pictures of Life: “the river of the water of life” and “the tree of life.” Jesus said in John 10:10, “I came to give you life and give it to you more abundantly.” When Jesus says “life”, he is not talking about existence. He is speaking of truly living. When things go really rough for us or those we know, we might say, “This isn’t living!” We remember in John 4 that Jesus offered to give the woman at the well “living water.” Consider Jesus’ words: “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.” We live our lives with a constant thirst. We try to quench it with one activity after another, but the thirst always returns. Jesus gives us the water of life so that we never thirst again. Why? Because he is all-satisfying. How foolish to continue seeking this earthly water.“The tree of life with 12 kinds of fruit” now lines the river. It is always available year after year. It is for our healing, the healing we needed after being defiled by sin. NIV translates verse 3: “No longer will there be any curse.” Curses were placed on man throughout the Bible.The curse of death was placed on mankind.Curses were given because of the sin of both Adam and Eve. The ground was cursed and the fertility of the woman was cursed.Curses were pronounced on all who violated God’s law (Deut. 27:26). These curses were a reminder of our failure, the perfect holiness of God, and our need for a reversal of the curse. Thus the blessing of Jesus who “became a curse for us” that we might no longer suffer the consequences of sin. Now as we enter the New Jerusalem, what a blessing to know there is no longer any curse. If there is no curse, then there is no sin. And if there is no sin, there is no temptation. And the reason there is no temptation is because there is no longer an adversary, the devil. He has been judged and we are now, free indeed just as Jesus promised in John 8:36, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” “They will see his face.” This is truly a sign of our absolute holiness! That is an unimaginable condition. Scripture has repeatedly told us that no man can see the face of God and live. We are not even given descriptions of him in visions! But when that time comes, we will see his face. What peace! What comfort! What joy! What beauty! If we have ever thought we have seen beauty, it is utter darkness compared to the glory of the Lord. The Final Confirmation and Testimony: 22:6-16The pattern of this text begins with “testimonial confirmation” of the truth of the vision John has seen. The law stated that on the basis of two of three witness truth is established. Therefore we see three confirming witnesses:Vs. 6: the testimony of God through his angel and the spirits of the prophets.Vs. 7: the testimony of Jesus.Vs. 8: the testimony of John “who heard and saw these things.” Vs. 8: it is incredible how overwhelmed John is in the seeing of this vision and of being in the presence of an amazing angel who has taken him before the throne of God and shown him the vision. John is so overcome that for the second time he falls down and worships the angel. And for the second time, the angel strongly rebukes him. Worship only God! This is a warning for us. We worship what we love. We worship what stirs our hearts and causes our eyes and feelings to light up. It must only be God! He will not share us with any other. He is the one and only true pleasure. Therefore, remember the words of the angel: “You must not do that!” The angel proclaims that he is like John, “a fellow servant” of God. We think to ourselves, “What a wonder it must be to see an angel.” But they are created beings of the heavenly realm and we are created beings of the earthly realm. We are servants of the Holy God. Verse 10: “Do not seal up the words…” You will remember in Daniel 12 that Daniel was told to seal up the vision since it was for “the time of the end.” But for the vision of Revelation, it was not to be sealed up, “for the time is near.” This is a repetition of the beginning words of the book (1:1). The fulfillment of the visions we have seen were to happen soon, not thousands of years later as so often is taught concerning Revelation. The book was sent to the churches at that time and would first be relevant to them. The relevance to us is that nations and peoples are still following the “beastly pictures” that we saw with Rome and the nations. The trials and persecutions of these beastly nations still takes place. And it is still necessary for us to overcome. Remember what we saw:First, the judgment on Jerusalem and Israel for their rebellion. This happened shortly after the book was revealed.Then there was judgment on Rome an the nations that followed her. These judgments took place successively until she was finally destroyed.All that is left is the judgment on the dragon and all of mankind. Verses 7 & 14: This “blessed” state is the sixth and seventh blessing of the book. “Keep the words… and blessed are those who wash their robes.” This is so important: “keep and keep keeping” and keep yourself clean and holy in the blood of the Lamb. Verse 12-13: the proclamation of Jesus himself. “I am coming soon.” This coming is not the end of time judgment, but the judgments mentioned by Jesus while on the earth (Matthew 24) and the judgment on Rome. To hear this would have been such a blessing to the first century listeners who were being persecuted. “I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Simply put: when all is said and done, he is the only one left, and therefore our only hope. How should we respond to this? Time and again we get the same message –– loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength should be your pursuit. As Jesus said, if you will be his disciple, you must hate father, mother, brother, sister, wife, and your own life also. (Luke 14:26).Vs. 11: “Let the evil doer still do evil…” This is similar to the angels words to Daniel : “Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.” (Daniel 12:10)
The message of the text is not an encouragement for the evil to continue in their wickedness, but
a statement of reality. In spite of the preaching and warnings,
the evil continue to be evil. Those who truly love the Lord will continue to be faithful and those who have determined to live wickedly will continue to be wicked.
This is a grave warning! Again we see there are only two groups. It is one or the other. Either those who love the Lord and love righteousness or those who choose evil.Therefore consider: the message is that those who choose evil will sink deeper into their evil. The ASV margin has, “He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness yet more.” The same is with the righteous. Paul summed this up in 2 Timothy 3:13, “…while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Therefore, the message is that both evil and righteous will develop a permanent character over time that is nearly impossible to change. A person either grows into the image of the Lord Jesus or falls deeper and deeper into hard-heartedness and indifference. It you are not doing what you ought, you are in an extremely dangerous condition. If you are in sin and think you can at any time just jump back into righteousness, be aware! You are far deeper than you think, and every moment that passes sinks you further from the Lord and from a heart that will bring you back to him.Invitation and Warning: 22:17-21What a conclusion! From the Spirit to the Bride, to the hearer and the thirsty, the call is to “come.” Isaiah 2:2-3 “Many will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up the the mountain of the house of the Lord…” What a wonderful invitation. We can “take the water of life without price.” Verse 18-19: the warning. These words were uttered as Moses began a reminder of the Law (Deut. 4:2). They were said again in the Proverbs (30:5ff). And Paul warned also in Galatians 1:8-9. And now appropriately at the end of the Bible. Add to this book and the plagues will be added to you. Take away from the words of the book, and your name will be taken from sharing in the tree of life. God does not tolerate messing with his words!Verse 20: Beautiful words whether referring to the immediate judgments and the Lord’s final return. Surely I am coming soon! Amen! ‘Come Lord Jesus!’ Verse 21: And then the sweet last words, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.” Sweet, sweet grace of the Lord Jesus.The post Revelation 22 Restoration! In the Garden Again appeared first on Woodland Hills Church of Christ.