There is a concept that we are all neurodiverse. Whether or not you agree, you might have encountered enough products, formats and instructions created and influenced by the neurodiverse, that you understand the importance of embracing and adopting a bilingual approach to their sensitivities and our shared world. This series of talks is crafted to service the selves, teachers, parents, coworkers, friends and fellow humans of the neurodiverse. Maybe society is making us neurodiverse, highlighting our differences, persisting our neurovariations and commoditizing our quirks. Products that calm us, organize us and "satisfy" our cravings aim to support and at times benefit from our identification of our neurodiversities. How can we have a conversation about our lives in a safe, shared space that supports how we are different, and alike, all at once?
Feb: The purpose of this session is to further define our concept of Neurodiverse and determine if we’re using the right word. We want to delve into what life is like working with and for the Neurodiverse. The conversation will center around how to delicately and respectfully recognize Neurodiversity in the workplace. We will also delve into advocating for ones-self in the environment.