Robert Redford discusses strategy for the staring contest he's about to have with the camera
RC-2013-114: All the President's Men (1976)
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Perhaps the greatest typewriter fetishist movie ever! Focusing on storytelling, I describe how Goldman's script hinges on scene-by-scene conflict and speculate about the mysterious Ephron-Bernstein draft. I argue that Woodstein's reporting was unbiased, then revel in my own bias by audibly scoffing at the idea that Nixon was a "complicated" figure who "also did some good things." Amid analysis of the actual movie, I explain why Nixon was a racist, astonishingly petty, and hopelessly corrupt scoundrel who got off easy. Gordy Willis and John Dean get praised. G. Gordon Liddy and the Intelligent Design-promoting crybaby known as Ben Stein get criticized. I screened the Blu-Ray. To sync, hit "pause" when the Warner Bros. logo fades to black.
Show Notes
Goldman's scriptWoodstein reflect on WatergateThe breathtaking inanity of Ben SteinMary McCarthy's book The Nixon tapes are here and hereWhen I said Nixon was "a horrible human being," I was referring to him doing things like...
Suggesting that black people make bad spies because they're stupid Saying Jews "own the media"Using the IRS to "pound" his critics
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