Steve Forbert - Goin' Down to Laurel
I flip through lots of magazines while I wait in lines, and I have noticed article after article in the ladies mags hyping how to save money on this and that, how to cut the bills, and how to cut back in these trying economic times. I mean, you'd think it was the seventies or something. Don't you people know how to save money already? Didn't your parents teach you this stuff? Oh yeah. I'm old and my parents were Depression babies. I keep forgetting that not ALL of you are as old as I am, and that some Gen X'ers (and whatever the following gens were called)had baby boomer parents who grew up in relative affluence.
I bought mags in the 70's, when I first started out on my own. I needed recipes and advice, since mom was so far away from me, and I couldn't just pick up the phone whenever I wanted (calls from Guam were quite steep.) Back then, every issue was packed with money-saving tips.
What's this got to do with my flashback? Nothing, really. This song is from seventies-era Steve Forbert, though, when he was Alive On Arrival. I can listen to this and think back to when the Dow was in the 600 range, the streets of New York were dirty and gritty, and life was tough for many. The more things change, the more they stay the same?