The Rogues DO NOT review Beastmaster just yet; instead, they pivot and talk Gen Con, To Walk on Worlds, Blacktongue Thief, gaming, Alien Romulus and why fan service can really blow chunks. And, uhhh, more!
To Walk on Worlds:
Alien Romulus Review:
Conan RPG:
Brent Partner - "Enter the Lawbringer"
From Brent:
If listeners want a free ecopy in exchange for an email address they can pick it up here: I don't pester anyone's email and in a few months I will send them a free novel that I'm doing now Hunger of the Leaves.
If they want to buy a print version its up on Amazon: This has a caveat that there are a few minor editing issues that don't exist in the e version.
I don't have a website anymore but they can visit my Facebook author page at: