This episode, we’re continuing our tour of the Saving Throws in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with the Dexterity Save.
A Dexterity or DEX save represents your ability to evade danger, whether from a sprung trap, flying objects, or exploding magical flame. On a success, you’ll dodge out of the way, and reduce the damage you take. If you fail, you’ll get that whole fireball right in the face.
A character whose first level class is Bard, Monk, Ranger, or Rogue can add their proficiency bonus to Dexterity saving throws. Other classes can gain proficiency in DEX saves by acquiring magic items or taking Feats when they level up.
We're joined by Tiffany Roper, actual play performer and GM of Dungeon Damsels.
More on the Dexterity ability score:
Saving Throws in D&D 5e:
Next time on Roll Factory we’ll test our endurance with the Constitution Saving Throw.
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The music in this episode is by Arcane Anthems.
Roll Factory is written, produced, and edited by K.O. Myers for Particulate Media.