Tyson Leonard AKA TROPO is a very talented Violinist, Artist, Producer, Songwriter, Audio Engineer, Stage Manager etc.
I met Tyson on a Jeff Bridges tour we did together several years ago. Recognizing Tysons many talents, I hired him to work with me on the Alan Parsons Live shows. Tyson has worked on the AP tours as Stage Manager, Monitor Engineer and this last year, Tyson has been featured playing violin on stage with Alan.
Tyson produces his own records performing as TROPO as well as many other artists. Tyson also plays live, sometimes with a band and sometimes with only his computer at many EDM festivals around the world.
He started his musical journey very early in life learning the violin and eventually teaching himself other instruments allowing him to record and produce his own music.
You can easily find TROPO's music on line.
Tyson is a truly dedicated to the art musician who has sacrificed possible fame to be true to his art. I am happy to know and work with Tyson on a regular basis.
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