So many of our beloved RPG soundtracks are filled with great music, and often have songs named in the same dramatic flair as the games and their narratives. And then sometimes, we find great tracks in our RPGs with names like "No No I don't die Noooo!" or "Rouen 'But-dad-dead-bed'," and those are the songs we are showcasing in this episode. It's always entertaining coming across these songs when listening to music, so for this episode, our panelists all chose music we love with offbeat, weird, or otherwise amusing titles.
Featuring: Mike Salbato, Hilary Andreff, Patrick Gann, Audra Bowling; Edited by Paul Dennis
The Fantasy of Being Tall
0:06:32 - A Sunbaked Throb (Masanori Osaki of Falcom Sound Team jdk) - Ys SEVEN
0:09:23 - Seize the Artifact For Tallness (Motoi Sakuraba) - Eternal Sonata
Shopping and Slaughter
0:24:18 - Holy Death Strike of Slaughter (ACE) - Code of Princess
0:27:49 - When We Laugh About Forgetting to Buy Something (Kazuki Yanagawa) - Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key
Modern Villains
0:46:45 - It's On Like Necronomicon (Ryan Ike) - Shadows Over Loathing
0:50:00 - Fish Force (HyperDuck SoundWorks) - Penny Arcade’s On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4
Science Fantasy
1:09:36 - So nah, so fern (comp. Hiroyuki Sawano, vocals Mika Kobayashi) - Xenoblade Chronicles X
1:14:13 - EXEC_CUTYPUMP/. (comp/arr Maiko Iuchi, vocals au) - Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
1:41:12 - Pat's Bonus Track!
Album links for places to buy, stream, and more are available in our post on RPGFan.
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