Hey guys! We’re so excited to announce that “Run With Tobe Podcast” is now back with a brand new look and featured with fun and interesting content to portray our company culture and values.
Without further ado, let’s kick-off the 3rd season of “Run With Tobe Podcast” with our own in-house Content Strategist, Kalen Junda!
For those of you who are familiar with Tobe’s Podcasts, you’ll probably know Kalen, and her passion (addiction) for content and project management tools and apps–name any, she’s probably tried them all!
Throughout Kalen’s journey with Tobe, she has exploited a good number of tools to help smoothen the workflow and better manage projects and campaigns. Find out in this episode for the trial, errors, and lessons Tobe learned and will perhaps shine some light for upcoming agencies that are about to get into management tools.
Be smart with your strategy –test and document as you go!