Finally, Adam Ray has decided to appear on Scissor Bros for the first time ever. It has never happened before. He has never been here. Ever. It's the first time. Hooray! FOLLOW ADAM: OUR PATREON IS LIVE: NEW MERCH IS HERE!: CLIPS CHANNEL!: FOLLOW us on Instagram: P.O. BOX JEREMIAH WATKINS/SB P.O. BOX # 78375 LOS ANGELES, CA 90016 New episodes every Friday on this channel. Subscribe! Producer: Ryan Armendariz ( Editing/Graphics: Jordan Blauvelt ( Intro: Ryan Strauss ( Thank you to @dabberjones @thebuddysystemshow @yoitzmini @blackgreg @kidwelljeremiah for getting Scissor Bros tattoos and sending them into the show!! And a huge thanks to the team of artists that helped make this episode possible! Follow them: @papiotoon @drawnfromthemind @detectivedesigns Thank you to all of the Scissor Brothers and Scissor Sisters who submitted music, art, suggestions & more to:
[email protected] We read all of the mail and try to respond to as many of you as possible, we are super grateful! Please keep sending us your wonderful contributions to the show, and we'll do our best to feature it! 00:00 Teasers 05:06 Adam and Steve Hangout 07:59 Arrested 10:49 Meeting Bobby 15:25 Car Salesman? 19:30 Insecure Invite 25:10 Song "Milk?" 30:47 Crazy Uber Ride 36:01 Steve Does THE FACE! 41:53 Drive Thru Movie 46:20 Dr. Phil 51:21 The Challenge 1:07:04 The Punishment 1:10:16 Gerald's Thoughts