February 2021 “The Power Of Intention”
Links for support:
The Book by Dr. Wayne Dyer “The Power of Intention” https://www.amazon.com/Power-Intention-Gift-Wayne-Dyer-ebook/dp/B00569J1MS
Abraham Hicks Reference on segment intending
Abraham Hicks Going General
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(The Collective Renaissance of Education, Art, Transformation and Entertainment)
5 tips for setting intentions
Creating Routine in the Morning. How we start our day and the importance of Master your morning.
Follow through even when you might not “feel like it”. Be relentless with yourself because YOU DESERVE it. Take your intentions seriously if you want to see results in your life.
Keep it SIMPLE. Use your breath and drink water.
Write is down! The power of our words are so potent. Write your intentions or affirmations down and put them somewhere you will see it like on a mirror, phone wallpaper, vision board, refrigerator...
Have some FUN with it.
In this episode we talk about:
Definitions of “Intention”
Long term and short term intentions
How powerful our thoughts are and how our thoughts are always creating intentions at an energetic level
Setting daily intentions, moment to moment intentions, and long term intentions
Creating structure and/or ritual around setting our intentions
We are always setting intentions whether or not we are conscious or unconscious of it.
When we fall into being the master distractor of our lives, it can water down our intentions and pull us away from what we truly desire.
We can Intend in every segment of our lives and always remember that we are in control of the way we feel.
The more I can intend to be the observer, the better I feel
The importance of staying in our intentions and not allowing others to pull us away from ourselves.
Using our awareness to bring us back to our intentions when doing things like getting on social media where it is easy to be distracted.
The importance of noticing our thoughts and WHY we are doing anything.
How to be more intentional with our time as “free spirited” beings.
The reason we do anything is because we think it will make us feel good.
BODY BREAK Intermission Visualization
“There is always an abundance. It’s an abundance of whatever you choose” -Marci Lock
Practice GRATITUDE and use it as a superpower. Being grateful for the mess keeps us in a high vibe state.
Prioritize FUN and get creative.