As humans our connection to one another is primitive, instinctual and integral to our survival. We are here temporarily, forming relationships every step of the way, often becoming so busy that we rarely take a step back to acknowledge the two sides to every coin. Up implies down. Right implies left. And Life Implies death. It’s not easy to think about dying. It’s not easy to see someone off or hear the news that a beloved energy has transitioned spontaneously. It will likely never be. Still we can face these moments as courageously as possible - allowing ourselves a proper amount of time to grieve and comprehend the changes before ultimately shifting the focus to celebration of life - for those gone before us and celebration of the breath that we still embody within.
DISCLAIMER: I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to this music/song. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement Intended. It has been uploaded because I have an appreciation for this work of art, and it aligns with the positive message I intend to share with the audience. Please contact me if you wish to have your work removed.