Jesus reveals in John 17 what He prays for you, what He longs to be true of you…and its oneness.
From the beginning of creation, God’s desire was to be with you. He stopped at nothing to accomplish this aim, securing oneness with us through the blood of Jesus.
Now, the overflow of our unity with Christ is our unity with one another. Jesus said that the world would get a revelation of God’s love when they see the way we love and prefer one another.
Jesus also prays here that we would see His glory. The revelation of the glory of Jesus is what sets the Church apart - it defines our reality. We know in part now, what the world will fully discover when Jesus returns.
Let your heart be encouraged knowing that you are still kept by the prayers of Jesus through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:
02.09.25 Sermon Guide