Michelle Richardson:
I'm Michelle Richardson, Vice President of the Sales Performance Research Center at the Brooks Group.
Drea Douglass:
My name is Drea Douglass. I'm Director of Talent Management Consulting at the Brooks Group.
Tony Smith:
I'm Tony Smith, Director of Sales Strategy Consulting here at the Brooks Group.
Michelle Richardson:
The sales performance research center is your resource for the latest information on sales strategy and talent management. We started the sales performance radio as a way to share valuable content that fits your busy schedule. I'm excited to introduce to you a podcast series on the five types of sellers.
Drea Douglass:
Tony, why don't you tell us and walk us through what those five types of sellers are and why people should care about it.
Tony Smith:
There are five types of sellers that are most common in the marketplace and each type has their own way of selling and they bring their own strengths and sometimes developmental areas to them. There's the timid seller. Then we have the buddy seller, we also have the servicer. Then we have the commandos and then there's the top performers in today's marketplace that we call the optimizers.
Drea Douglass:
Tony and I will be your hosts on this journey to help you understand common characteristics of each type of seller, common challenges with those types, what do they do and what do they not do in the sales process? Coaching tips for sales managers, even spotting them before you hire them, what to look for in the interview process and good interview techniques and questions.
Tony Smith:
Awesome. Let's do it. Were we supposed to say something else?
Michelle Richardson:
Thank you for listening and enjoy the podcast.