Holistic Health Coach Jade was a 20 year old with chronic cystic acne, IBS, excess weight, recurrent UTI’s and repeated ear infections. She exhausted the conventional route, trying various creams and drugs, lasers and peels, countless rounds of antibiotics, and yet these never resolved my issues long term – if anything, she was gradually getting worse! She then years later found the root of the problem. Based on more than 10 years of research, her Wellness Programme was developed to help you take back control over your health and get you feeling good again. She is now a qualified Naturopath and has dedicated her time to creating this programme, using her own personal journey as the basis for everything it teaches.
During our interview she breaks down the importance of gut health and how parasite cleanses might be the solution for many. We discuss great tips on gut health including long term affects of being dependent on antibiotics along with birth control and more. Janet Sol also chimes in and shares her story on how her parasite cleanse helped her lose 25 pounds!
Jade Mackie
Janet Sol