Well as the heading of the podcast refers - Is Not Being Organized A New Normal?
Why there is a need of asking this question?
Because the young generation is lacking this element of being organized due to which we see a massive increase in unemployment & many start-up business failures in all the countries across the world. Our young generation is not aware of their Goals, Purpose, Vision, and Mission. That is why they are unable to organize their mindset, hence, face challenges in almost all the areas of their life. They do not have answers to many questions, which are making them lost, unworthy, failure, confused, and living an aimless life.
What are those few things which all top 20% Rich people are teaching to their kids, that rest 80% of the world is totally unaware of?
There are many things which are impacting a youngster today and not allowing them to win their goals and make their life happier and successful.
All this is not so difficult to understand but the condition is one should take this very very seriously.
Our mind also plays a vital role in it and gets distracted easily. We do exactly opposite what we should not do at all.
Then what are those things?
Well, to know these secrets I would encourage you to listen to this podcast from the very beginning to the very end, to find out how you can change your life and what all things you have been doing wrong and no one ever told you about.
If you really care to live a happy and successful life? Then please do what I have shared in this podcast because there was a time I was in the same journey and after so many struggles, test, failures, and trials all these secrets changed my life drastically.
I am sure it will change the life of anyone who is willing to change it for good.
Go ahead and open the wisdom door for yourself. Let me know what all AHA moments you experience, your feedbacks and message always inspire me to bring more value to you.
Have a wonderful day ahead!!