A Conversation With Our Kids!
Guests: Adrianna & Kenlee Leonard
Ten Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Children Every Year
1. Do you feel we really get along well together?
2. Can you think of some ways we can improve our relationship?
3. Do you believe I really care about you?
4. Have I ever made a promise to you that I did not keep?
5. Do you feel I respect you? And do you respect me?
6. Is there something you would enjoy doing together with me?
7. Is there something in your life you are hesitant to tell me about for fear I would love you less?
8. What can I do to show you that I want to be more like Christ?
9. Is there anything I do that annoys you or embarrasses you?
10. How can I best express the love I have in my heart for you and the honor I feel at being your parent?