Have you ever been out in public with someone, maybe a friend or lover, who is awful to service staff? What do you do? Can you even be friends with them or is it something you just tell yourself is a cute quirk and you look past it? Today we answer that question.
We've all seen awful movies. But you know when there are those awful movies you just love to watch over and over, despite being awful. Name your favourite. In fact, name your favourite and see what the score is on Rotten Tomatoes. If your repeat awful movie scores below a 10 on RT, you win!
This episode was such a pleasure to record with Jordan Moffat, one of our favourite comedians, improvisers, authors, and baseball fans. He's just an all around good guy.
On today's episode Ryan shares his feelings about turning 33 and Christina also comes of age, in a different way, by trying to get her driver's license. We also get a cute as buttons update on her #singlelife and the we go on a search for the perfect sound effect to compliment the podcast. Here is something you should be thinking of this week. What ever happened to Luke Wilson. Don't you miss him?
We can't wait for you to hear today's episode and we welcome your feedback. Please email any time at [email protected].
Finally, be sure to send some love to Jordan Moffat after this episode and check out his new book at https://badbookspress.bigcartel.com/product/clicking-into-place-by-jordan-moffatt