Is the juice worth the squeeze? Co-hosts Tom Nixon and Marc Trail are joined by Beatrice Wolnerman of Bea’s Squeeze and Bea’s Detroit to discuss a unique marketing “gimmick” that turned into a growing beverage brand, shared workspace and merchandising company. Listen to learn her lessons, hear about the importance of mentorship, and incorporate some of Bea’s innovative thinking into your strategic planning and vision.
Why it took until adulthood to open a lemonade stand
What makes Bea’s lemonade stand so special
Serendipity of one business opportunity leading to another
Implementing new business concepts in a rapidly changing environment
Why entrepreneurs need to make lemonade out of lemons, regardless of industry
Question of the Day: How, why and when to incorporate e-commerce into your business strategy
References and Resources:
Visit Bea's Squeeze Website
Bea's Squeeze on Facebook
Bea's Squeeze on LinkedIn
Bea's Squeeze on Instagram
Visit Bea's Detroit Website
Bea's Detroit on Facebook
Bea's Detroit on LinkedIn
Bea's Detroit on Instagram
Take at look at ORRI Corp
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Theme music:
Let Us Run For It by The Denotes |
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