In this heartfelt episode of "Scrubs and Beyond," we are honored to feature Dr. Elizabeth Okemwa, a brilliant general surgeon from Kenya. Dr. Elizabeth opens up about her upbringing and how the NGO her parents founded, Harvest of Hope Self Help Community Group, ignited her passion for medicine. She shares deeply personal experiences of witnessing her family struggle with HIV and AIDS during its peak, shaping her resolve to make a difference in the medical field.
Dr. Elizabeth also recounts the emotional journey of performing surgery twice on her father after he was diagnosed with colon cancer, revealing the immense pressure and love involved. Beyond her clinical achievements, she speaks about her roles as a surgical educator, mentor, and medical career coach, dedicated to guiding the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Join us for this moving conversation as Dr. Elizabeth reflects on her life's work, the power of hope, and her mission to impact lives through medicine.
Introduction to Dr. Elizabeth Okemwa and her background
Discussion on her parents' NGO, Harvest of Hope, and its influence
Early challenges: witnessing the impact of HIV and AIDS on her family
Personal story: performing surgery on her father twice
Dr. Elizabeth's roles as a surgical educator, mentor, and career coach
Insights on medical career development and coaching
Reflections on her journey and passion for medicineTune in to be inspired by Dr. Elizabeth's incredible story and dedication to the field of medicine.