Sefer Bereishis 5781 and other Torah portions and Shabbos Zemiros

Sefer Bereishis 5781 and other Torah portions and Shabbos Zemiros

By Asher Dordek

Reading of the Holy Torah for my family and children and those who wish to listen. Sefer Bereishis בראשית Genesis. As well as the weekly Torah Laining. Also adding some traditional family Shabbos Zemi... more

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Sefer Bereishis 5781 and other Torah portions and Shabbos Zemiros episodes:

FAQs about Sefer Bereishis 5781 and other Torah portions and Shabbos Zemiros:

How many episodes does Sefer Bereishis 5781 and other Torah portions and Shabbos Zemiros have?

The podcast currently has 16 episodes available.