Episode 367 of the Seibertron.com Twincast Podcast is the first show of 2025, but it provides a lookback at the best and worst of 2024 in our annual superlatives episode. The show begins with the best Transformers toy of the year, objectively - independent of any sentimental value or emotional connection, what toy takes the top spot? This is followed by the subjective best toy of the year from the main collector lines (i.e. Legacy, Studio Series, Masterpiece) as well as choices for favorite toy outside the mainstream. The show pivots slightly to favorite media of the year, and the cast is torn between Transformers ONE and the Studio Trigger 40th Anniversary PV. We take a turn for the worst - worst toy of the year, that is, followed by the worst of anything else that isn't a toy. The cast ends this 2024 look-back with a look inward at their greatest collecting achievement of the year. As we do every year, the Twincast makes two predictions: each cast member makes an obvious prediction, alongside a prediction that is much more of a reach. We end the episode with our regular bragging rights segment, where each cast member reviews what they've acquired since the last episode.