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FAQs about Sekedar Bait:How many episodes does Sekedar Bait have?The podcast currently has 28 episodes available.
November 04, 2023International Humanitarian Law (Palestine - Israel)Mengaitkan 8 Prinsip Hukum Humaniter Internasional (Palestine - Israel)...more10minPlay
November 03, 2023The History of Nakba (Catastrophe in Arab)Knowing the history is trully important for us to take the right side....more10minPlay
September 01, 2020SEKEDAR BAIT - STORY TIME • A POOR FISHERMAN"By giving to charity and helping others for the sake of Allah, Allah helped and blessed Abu Nasr in return. And Allah will do the same for you and me." Source: ZAKY - Muslim Cartoons--- Support this podcast:'s/support...more4minPlay
August 30, 2020SEKEDAR BAIT - STORY TIME • "DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT"The prophet Muhammad Salallahu'alaihiwasallam said, Allah forgive the thoughts of my ummah if they dont talk about them or do them" (HR. Bukhari)...more2minPlay
August 27, 2020SEKEDAR BAIT - STORY TIME • "ALLAH MADE EVERYTHING!"So why do we stand tall? Too proud to recognize what's right before our eyes. Sign of Allah.Source: Allah Made Everything ( Children's book)...more1minPlay
August 26, 2020SEKEDAR BAIT - STORY TIME • EVERYDAY IS A DIFFERENT DAY' Source: 365 Hadits & Stories'The Prophet Muhammad Salallahu'alaihi wasallam said, "There are two blessings which many people waste: health and free time" (HR. Bukhari)...more2minPlay
May 23, 2020Sekedar Bait•Berkisah•Kisah Said Bin Zaid Radhiyallahu'anhuSalah satu sahabat Rasulullah yang memyebabkan Khalifah Umar masuk Islam. Kisah ini dibaca dari dan referensi kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah...more4minPlay
May 21, 2020Sekedar Bait•Berkisah•Zubair Bin Awwam Radhiyallahu'anhu Sang Hawari RasulullahBerkisah tentang keberanian sang pengawal setia Rasulullah yang tak pernah takut berperang melawan kaum musyrik untuk membela Islam. Sumber bacaan artikel di dan referensi kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah tentang kisah sahabat nabi salallahu'alaihi wa sallam...more5minPlay
May 20, 2020Sekedar Bait•Berkisah•Thalhah Bin Ubaidillah Radhiyallahu'anhu Seorang Syahid yg Brjalan dimuka BumiKisah pengorbanan sahabat Rasulullah salallahu'alaihi wa sallam. Bukan dari hartanya saja, namun jiwa raganya sepenuhnya ia dedikasikan untuk membela Islam. Kisah ini ditulis oleh Abi Zam dan referensi kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah tentang Kisah Thalhah Bin Ubaidillah...more6minPlay
May 19, 2020Sekedar Bait• Berkisah•Abdurrahman Bin Auf Radhiyallahu'anhu, Sahabat Hartawan Nan DermawanBerkisah tentang salah seorang sahabat Rasulullah Salallahu'alaihi wa sallam nan dilimpahkan hartanoleh Allah Subhanahuwata'ala namun selalu menggunakannya dijalan Allah. Sumber:Kisah Abdurrahman Bin Auf, dan referensi kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah...more5minPlay
FAQs about Sekedar Bait:How many episodes does Sekedar Bait have?The podcast currently has 28 episodes available.