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Jeff Bajorek Sell Anywhere
Your talent is not limited to your zip code. You can sell everywhere. 0:00
Selling is an act of love, not war.
What does it mean to sell like you and why is it important? 5:16The birth of sell like you.The importance of being mindful about language.Jeff going through a professional identity crisis.The sale begins and ends with belief.The key to getting out of mediocrity and into superstardom is when you finally start trusting your voice. 9:40The key to getting out of mediocrity and getting into superstardom.The pain of being pushed into mold.Jeff talks about taking his first sales job.Jeff shares why he almost quit.Bringing out the stuff that feels right.*** The difference between mediocrity and superstardom.
What are the things that move the sales process forward? 15:35The four steps to every sales process.The three questions to ask yourself before every sales call.**
Most of us trip into sales by accident.
The difference between an occupation and a profession.
The sales warrior vs the joyful farmer. 21:18
Adopting the image of the sales warrior.
The 3x5x result that happened.
The 95 plus percent of salespeople out there.
Why salespeople are taught to sell
The 5% difference between mediocrity and superstardom.
Predictable results vs mediocre results.
What do you find that most people are looking for? 27:47
Looking for the silver bullet to avoid pain.
The concept of resistance and its psychological layers.
One challenge leads to the next challenge.
**The hero’s journey -. 32:37
**The hero's journey, the hero's action.
How to find one's excalibur.
The five questions to ask your best customers.
Why do you keep buying from us? (and the others)
The biggest key to unlocking growth in your business: The framework Jeff has followed for years.
Do you want to pick up the phone and call 100 people or have five good conversations with five people who could make your life and business better? 41:19
Prospecting is not rocket science.
Relationships are the most overlooked gift in the world.
The importance of having four conversations with yourself.
Personality tests and self-discovery.
Clifton’s strengths finder. 45:37
The importance of being present and mindful.
Resistance is not something to run away from.
The importance of appreciating the ups and downs.