In Ep. 50, Senior Attorney Match’s Jeremy E. Poock, Esq. discusses the 2nd of 3 Treasure Chests of Digital Value that Senior Attorneys present to Growing Law Firms, namely, Digital Content.
Ep. 50 includes the following:
Topic 1: The Importance to Senior Attorneys of the State of Digital Marketing in the Legal Industry
As Poock points out, business development for lawyers has dramatically changed in the 2020’s. Rather than would-be clients asking for a lawyer’s business card or a word-of-mouth referral, today’s clients much more conveniently search online for the best [FILL-IN THE BLANK] attorney.
As a result, we have entered the “Age of the Vanishing Rainmaker,” where new clients by-pass the Rainmaker attorneys (today’s Senior Attorneys) in favor of searching for lawyers online.
As Poock explains, today’s Senior Attorneys face a crossroads for business development, namely
“take that proverbial plunge and start investing in digital marketing yourself to attract the attention of those clients that are searching Google for lawyers to hire, or, as we really recommend to Senior Attorneys . . . consider joining a Growing Law Firm that practices in your practice area and looks at [your] subject matter knowledge that you have developed as really untapped digital content.”
Topic 2: Warning to Today’s Senior Attorneys about Digital Marketing
“[The] warning to Senior Attorneys is that if you just let that Treasure Chest [of Digital Content] just stay buried and unopened, then you're really losing out on the opportunities to attract the attention of today's clients and be able to regenerate, replenish, and continue to grow your Book of Business.
In reality, what we recommend, because so many Senior Attorneys will not themselves invest in Multi-Channel Digital Marketing, is to highly consider joining a Growing Law Firm that will welcome you into their practice. You bring clients. You bring referral sources. You bring a cumulative workforce.
And, very importantly, you bring untapped Digital Content for them to be able to utilize your Subject Matter Knowledge and convert it into multiple forms of Digital Content to get the attention of would-be clients who today are searching online for lawyers and law firms to retain.”
Side Bar: Why the Digital Disruption in the Legal Industry Differs from Amazon, Uber & Netflix
As Poock explains, unlike Amazon that digitally disrupted Sears, Uber that digitally disrupted taxi cabs, and Netflix that digitally disrupted Blockbuster, the Multi-Channel Digital Marketing deployed by today’s Growing Law Firms actually needs Senior Attorneys because of the treasure chest of Digital Content that their decades of subject matter knowledge, experience, and success presents to Growing Law Firms.
So, unlike Sears’ in-store inventory, taxi cab owners’ vehicles and medallions, and Blockbuster’s VHS cassettes and DVDs that all became irrelevant due to digital disruption, today’s Growing Law Firms want and need the following from Senior Attorneys during today’s 3.0 Digital Era for the legal industry: their untapped treasure chests of Digital Content.