We are told by ‘The World,’ “You can be ANYTHING you want to be if you only believe,” while
simultaneously telling us, “as long as it fits within OUR prescribed set of options, assumptions, and labels of what you SHOULD be.” In other words, “Conform, or we will cast you out.”
Conformity, by definition, is “the act of compliance, submission, acquiescence, or obedience to a specified standard or authority.”
We live in a world where people have continuously engaged in the never-ending battle against oppression. The irony is that most people slip into one of the various ‘oppressed’ societal communities (ranging from family traditions and gender issues, and even the cult of ‘healing the inner child’), communities that themselves require your ‘obedience to a specified standard,’ mainly victim consciousness, to belong. Again, “Prostrate, or we will cast you out.”
What is at the root of all this? Fear.
Not Fear of you, but the Fear of you leaving them behind, of seeing you live in the freedom of being your authentic self, free of conformity and Fear itself, of you illuminating their imprisonment in the cage of Fear, despite their denials of its reality – it only takes one to shatter their illusion, and this is why they reject you, scape-goat you, or even come at you with violence; anything to remove the threat of the truth of their imprisonment to Fear.
So how do you “be not conformed to this world?”
By trusting your inner voice, that higher voice of The Divine. By taking a bold step into The Light of Love and trusting that you will be shielded, protected, and led into the full fruition of your dream of Heaven on Earth. And how do you do that? Listen in as I share the wisdom of my discovery and remembrance of The Truth.
The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/shift-your-perspective/pl.u-b3b8RKgC3XobJL