A world of adventure, now available in your ears! Shining Emblem Gaiden is a improv-comedy show, spun off from the hit stage show The Saga of the Shining Emblem. Inspired by the RPG-greats of old, Shining Emblem Gaiden, is all the fun of a tabletop adventure with none of the dice! Step inside the Hall of Heroes, a place where all the greatest tales of heroism across all of space and time are kept. Join the Archivist, keeper of these tales, as he explores what it means to be a hero and how you too can join their ranks. Each episode, one lucky mortal will be transported across dimensions and given the chance to quest for the Shining Emblem and achieve greatness! Plus, some of the most legendary heroes of old will be summoned to share their tales and offer wisdom gained on their travels. Do you have what it takes to achieve greatness? Only one way to find out...
This episode: The Archivist has just the thing for all your petty revenge needs! Then, special mortal guest, Michael Gilbert, takes part in the greatest game ever played, badminton! Finally, a legendary hunter shares stories from his most legendary hunts!