If you have ever stressed about your money, this episode is for you.
If you have ever set a goal to gain financial freedom, this episode is for you.
When I discovered today's guest, I felt I found a true answer to my prayers.
Michele Cagan is a financial educator and a CPA who focus on empowering single mamas to understand the world of money and gain financial freedom.
For most of my life, I have had great shame and embarrassment about my lack of understanding of things like budgeting, debt, credit scores, taxes, and retirement.
Once I realized that most of the people in the world carry the same confusion on these matters I was relieved. Like anything else, money takes time and intentionality to learn about.
I just went into the world thinking I was supposed to innately know about it.
Michele is the author of Debt 101, Retirement 101, and The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance, shes a blogger at Single Mom CPA, and she is a single mama herself.
Her approach to money education is understanding, kind, gentle, and easy to digest. I am confident that after hearing this episode you will have take-away tools that will save you money and help you get one giant step closer to the financial freedom you desire.
After this interview I followed Michel's prompt and discovered that I unintentionally spent $300 last month on auto payments I forgot I set up! What will you learn about your money after this episode? I'd love to hear!
You can get a grand free education when you read her blog, with topics like "Before You Sign a Loan Agreement" and "5 Myths That Threaten Your Financial Security".
You can join me in reading her books and learn even more and Michele offers a Financial First Aid Knowable Course that personally, I can't wait to study.
Connect to Michele at https://singlemomcpa.com/blog/
You can attract all the desires of your heart into your life and your children's lives within your single status. I will teach you how as I do the same.
You are not alone. Join the sisterhood and get your free How To Have a Miracle Mindset Guide to get you started at www.empoweredsinglemama.com