Shut Up I'm Talking - Episode 10 - 2013-09-23
(Visit for links)
Special Note: Shut
Up I'm Talking is participating in the Extra-Life fundraising marathon
to benefit the Children's Miracle Network of hospitals, to help children
most in need of healthcare. We would love for our listeners and fans
to help us all be heroes to these kids with a donation. Go here to visit our team page
- from there, you can choose any of the team members and donate, or you
can sign up to join our team and game along with us on November 2nd!
We'll be providing a live stream on Matthew's Twitch channel for the
entire day, so you can watch us game until our fingertips are bruised.
We hope you'll join us in demonstrating compassion for children with
the greatest need, and we look forward to seeing you on November 2.
(The following links are to things we talked about in this podcast)
The UN Refugee Agency (Donations for Syrian refugees)
Shootings in Washington DC
More on the Shootings in Washington DC
Egyptian troops clear out Dalga (Islamist held town)
Capsized cruise ship freed from rocks
First Indian-American as Miss USA
Japan's Last Nuclear Reactor
Scotland’s tidal turbines
Diablo III Auction House will be Removed
Chatbot AI wins contest for imitating human logic
Nintendo Executive Hiroshi Yamauchi Dies at 85
Annie Recommends: My Milk Toof
Neil Recommends: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Matthew Recommends: Crash Course with John and Hank Green
Follow us on Twitter: Shut Up I'm Talking (@SUITshow); Matthew (@matthewbann); Neil (@neilrenken); Ann (@aretzken)
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