Psychophysical studies from as far back as the mid-1800s document a curious fact about human vision: while in our minds we perceive the world clearly all around us, at any given moment we only see sharply within a few degrees of the direction we're looking. That tiny foveal region is roughly the size of your thumbnail with your arm fully extended. In spite of this known phenomenon, computer graphics systems have traditionally rendered the entire screen at uniform resolution. This is extremely wasteful of rendering resources in the periphery, where the higher resolution is not even perceptible. It also results in lower quality where the user is directly looking, because there are fewer resources left for rendering there. This system demonstrates that by concentrating rendering resources at the viewer's gaze position, and by carefully lowering the resolution in the periphery, higher quality can be achieved with an order-of-magnitude reduction in rendering costs. With the emergence of commodity eye-tracking technology, foveated rendering can enable more detailed display, at higher resolutions and larger field of view, with lighter weight, cheaper, and less power-hungry hardware.