In the first episode of the new series Signal Fire Shorts, we dive into the depths of the human connection with water as we welcome Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, renowned author of the bestseller "Blue Mind." From his groundbreaking research, Blue Mind explains how water affects our mental and emotional well-being. Dr. Nichols has authored more than 200 publications, lectured in more than 30 countries and nearly all 50 states, and appeared in hundreds of media outlets including NPR, BBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Time, Newsweek, GQ, Outside Magazine, USA Today, Elle, Vogue, Fast Company, Surfer magazine, Scientific American, and New Scientist. Dr. Nichols will also be a featured keynote speaker at the Ocean Innovation Conference in Wilmington, NC, on September 19th. Check out the event information below!
Ocean Innovation Conference in Wilmington, NC
An Evening with Wallace J. Nichols - Author of "Blue Mind"
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