It's already time for the last story in this series of short stories. To be fair, this one is not actually all that short, but it definitely is a very inspiring and thought provoking one. It is inspired by Leo Tolstoj's short story 'How much land does a man need'. Probably some of you know it already. It is one of Majd's favorites and therefore we could not leave it out.
- Convinced - مقتنعة
- Devil - الشيطان
- Consider - اعتبر
- Challenge - تحدي
- Greed - الطمع
- Inhabitants/residents - سكان
- Bee hives - خلايا النحل
- in advance - سلف
- Acres - فدان
- The crop - المحصول
- Cattle owners - أصحاب المواشي
- Worried/Anxious - مهموم
- Move to - انتقل
- Transportation - والتنقل
- Gifts - هدايا
- Tribe - القبائل
- Fertile - وخصبة
- He was suprised - استغرب
- We calculate - منحسب
- Area measurements - مقاييس المساحة
- Sunset - غروب الشمس
- Corpse - الجثّة
- They cracked - تشققو
- The hill - التل
- The hat - الطاقية
- He dug a grave - حفر قبر