Vesuvius, Krakatoa, Yellowstone, St. Helens. Jagged, thrusting, giants known for their historical, violent pasts. Their awesome sleeping splendor closely monitored by scientists around the world searching for any sign of a ferocious awakening, which might give rise to issued warnings to inhabitants hoping to flee the torrents of lava, molten streams of venom, and pummeling shrouds of destruction.
In this Long Shots Bonus, Shots in Night adds a new sleeping beast to the list, smack in the middle of Wheelerville! Wheelerville, an idyllic community in Missouri, is replete with colorful small town characters, ne’er-do-well politicians, reckless greed, and romantically-smitten road crews strolling the serene streets of their town, unaware of the shifting plates, and fates, just below their feet. Until now!
Join the Dugout Crew as they attempt to fill the magmatic menace threatening to envelop their town and beyond. RUN! and Listen to POTHOLE! A Shots in the Night’s podcast, now explosively available to you.