We sat down with Colin and Antoine Massart from Massart Biketrails as well as our former guest and fan favourite Greg Jolliffe.
Earlier in 2024, the boys were building the “Dreamline” for a Kriss Kyle edit in Glassie Bike Park and that video got released later in the summer to much fanfare. The trail itself is part of the bike park now and open to the public for everyone to enjoy!
In our chat, we get to hear some more insights into the build of the line, about working with Kriss and the many challenges of digging trail in the Scottish countryside. But the conversation turns into much more than that as we dive into the “heart in the art” of trail building, the inspiration and influences coming from the community, competing builders, multi-faceted athletes like Kriss, different disciplines or other sports altogether, progression in the sport and what it means to actually put these very diverse “dreams” of what a trail should be into the dirt.
- All of our "trail building" episodes
Greg Jolliffe: Instagram, Jolliffe Builds, Ep17Massart Biketrails: Instagram, Website, Colin, AntoineDreamline videos: Edit, Build series Ep1, Ep2, Ep3 and Ep4 Kriss Kyle: Instagram, YoutubeGlassie Bike Park: Instagram, Trailforks, Ray Will