The seventh episode of the S.M.I.L.E-ing Boys Podcast that explores 1 of the 8 Pillars of Happiness - Freedom, as it pertains to Black people, black boys and the society as a whole is here. In this episode, I explore the theme of freedom or lack thereof, set against the current backdrop of Black Lives Matter protests in the America and the UK as it impacts on black people in general across multiple structures in the society as well as directly for black boys in the society - from education, to criminal justice, mental health and interpersonal interactions.
The host, Kay Rufai ( ) explores using his happiness research from the top 5 happiest countries ( You can download the report here; ), historical and contemporary data, anecdotes and lived experiences, to construct an insightful account of black experiences with the denial of racism in the UK . It details key stats, recommendations and calls to action for individuals, corporates and institutions.
This unique episode features a recited text from a young boy that participated in the S.M.I.L.E-ing Boys classroom workshops with Kay Rufai recounting his experience of racism via the hands of the police in the last two days in London.
Read the Guardian opinion piece about Kay Rufai and his work on challenging stereotypes of Black boys in the society ( )
Check out the Guardian Photo Gallery of the S.M.I.L.E-ing Boys Project
( )
Checkout the Artist - Kay Rufai's website -
Here are some great organisations doing incredible work in these arenas:
4Front Project
Movement for Justice By Any Means Necessary
The United Families & Friends Campaign
Black Lives Matter UK
United Borders
56 Black men
Resource for white people;
Reading List
70 strategies that white people in the UK can adopt to fight for racial injustice - ( )
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