Hello friends! It’s Episode 25 of Smoke Til It’s Gone Or Die! Patty’s stoned ass was shocked that she hadn’t yet covered one of her favorite psychological phenomena, Munchausen by Proxy. She covers the heartbreaking tale of Garnett Spears, whose mother Lacey strategically poisoned to garner attention from health care professionals and her social media circle. Trying to cover an equal but opposite topic, Rylee covers the story of William James Bresnahan Jr., a young boy who killed his parents over an argument while camping. The real twist comes when we see how his life turned out after this horrible tragedy.
Patty’s Probable Cause this week comes in the wake of the recent uprise of hate crimes against the Asian community in the US. The Asian Mental Health Project at https://asianmentalhealthproject.com/, recognizes that there is a pervasive cultural stigma that often discourages members of the Asian American community from receiving the help they need. In many Asian American communities, and in the greater American population, there exists a general lack of knowledge about mental health and mental illnesses. Because many of the symptoms of suffering are “invisible,” it is often harder for mental illnesses to be acknowledged. There is a misconception that struggling with mental health is a choice or a sign of weakness.
They are here to dispel this belief and provide resources that are accessible to all.
Rylee’s Probable Cause is the American Nurses Association, as National Nurses week just passed. The ANA, at https://www.nursingworld.org/, believes that dedicated nurses deserve the best practice environments, and to be supported to live the healthiest lives. ANA is committed to safeguarding nurse wellbeing, for improved patient outcomes – and happier nurses.
If you've got munchies by proxy of us, follow us on Instagram @stgdpodcast, hit us up on Patreon, or send us an email at [email protected]! Let your friends know that they too can have their ears berated by the silly stoners that talk to you through your phone screen on every streaming service out there. Thanks for listening! Bye!
Under Massachusetts’ Chapter 94G and California’s Proposition 64 Bills it is legal for us two assholes to possess and consume MaryJane, medically known as cannabis, in our respective states. We do NOT condone the illegal consumption, possession, or sale of cannabis in places it’s not supposed to be smoked, man handled, or acquired from a legal dispensary. But we DO condone what the awesome humans at Marijuana Policy Project are doing to support legislation at the state and federal level to decriminalize cannabis across the country, and advocate for those who have been incarcerated for cannabis possession. Visit mpp.org for more details.