Sasquatch Odyssey

SO EP:583 Bigfoot Habituation

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In this episode, Brian welcomes Dave  to discuss his captivating experiences and research into Bigfoot. Dave shares how his interest began while he was a stay-at-home dad and stumbled upon the Humphreys incident involving the alleged killing of a Bigfoot in Oklahoma. He recounts his own encounters in Southeast Oklahoma, where he witnessed supernatural phenomena like tree branches bending and shadowy creatures making gibberish noises. Dave also delves into other investigations, including the controversial Carol Johnston ordeal in Holden, Missouri, and reveals his thoughts on Bigfoot evidence, habituation sites, and the potential reasons behind the cover-up of these creatures' existence. The episode provides an in-depth look into high strangeness and the flesh-and-blood versus paranormal Bigfoot debate, making it a must-listen for enthusiasts of cryptozoology and the unexplained.

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 00:00 Welcome to the Show 00:07 The Bigfoot Encounter Begins 01:42 Supernatural Experiences in Oklahoma 04:48 Investigating the Carol Johnston Ordeal 10:47 The Mystery of Habituation Sites 19:15 Exploring the Paranormal: VCR Mirrors and Astonishing Evidence 20:30 Sierra Sounds and the Mystery of Samurai Chatter 21:07 Arla's Evidence and Habituation Areas 22:22 Challenges in Capturing Bigfoot on Camera 25:35 Flesh and Blood vs. Paranormal: The Bigfoot Debate 27:18 Investigating Bigfoot: Field Research and Encounters 29:47 The Controversial World of Bigfoot Evidence 38:50 The Georgia Bigfoot Body Incident 41:36 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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