It’s been a wild ride….where has social taken us, and where are we headed in 2020? I had the opportunity to talk with Michalis Michael of DigitalMR, who I originally talked with in February, 2018. You can listen to that episode here. Back then, we talked about the state of social monitoring, listening, and intelligence and he made some predictions for 2020. So here we are…..was he right? Listen as Michael and I talk about what’s happened in the last year and a half, what’s new, and what we need to pay attention to in 2020. He also shares a new prediction for 2023. As references to our conversation, you will want to take a look at this great resource from Esomar, " Briefing questions when considering tools and services for unstructured data – text, images, audio, and video" and get familiar with Social Brand Performance Score & Digital Brand Equity Scores, which Michalis explains during our conversation. These are two terms we will need to become familiar with in the new year as they work toward providing insights and measurement/guidance for marketers and researchers in the coming year. We also touch on DigitalMR's listening247® service. You can learn more about it here. Please take some time to learn more about Michalis and DigitalMR. You can visit their website or connect with Michalis on LinkedIn or Twitter. Listen: The State of Social With Michalis Michael, DigitalMR