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By SONOHR Radio & Podcast Festival
The podcast currently has 85 episodes available.
This is the piece that Phoebe McIndoe produced on Saturday, 25 February 2024, at and for SONOHR.
As background information on this exceptional piece, here is the announcement text in the SONOHR 2024 programme:
Join us at SONOHR for a personal exploration that will invite you to articulate your own desires. Come and share your wants in a 1:1, intimate setting; from dreams as big as writing a bestselling novel to the simple longing for more touch.
During the Saturday programme, your explorations will be edited and woven together to create a tapestry of longing which we’ll screen later in the evening: a rare opportunity to listen back to and bear witness to your own wants.
Phoebe McIndoe is an award-winning radio journalist and co-producer of the podcast Telling Stories which featured in Bello Collectibe's top 100 Outstanding Podcasts for 2021 and was nominated for most Inspiring podcast in the The International Women's Podcast Awards. Her work has been nominated for Prix Marulic, HearSay and 60 Sec Radio. At the ARIAs in 2022, her co-production ‘Lights Out: The Last Taboo’, won the Silver Award for Best Factual documentary and her more recent work County Lines was nominated for DIG's awards for outstanding international journalism.
This lecture was held on Sunday, 25 February 2024, at SONOHR.
How do you create a linear story from the fragments of your life? Join Talia and Phoebe in an exploration around telling personal stories. In this session the two audio makers will share helpful techniques for self-interview and finding your own voice. Plus, how can you create personal portraits that move beyond language and into the abstract?
Listen to Dead Ends, which explores how to remember someone you’ve forgotten. Produced by Talia.
Listen to County Lines, which explores the devastating impact of drug gangs in the UK. Co-produced by Phoebe.
Talia Augustidis is an multi-award-winning audio producer and community organiser based in London. She is the host and creator of the podcast, UnReality, which has featured in festivals around the world, from Florence to Paris to New York. She built an extensive audio industry resource list and writes a monthly newsletter, All Hear, to help improve the accessibility of information in the audio industry. For the last two years she has also been the curator of popular audio events with In The Dark London.
Phoebe McIndoe is an award-winning radio journalist and co-producer of the podcast Telling Stories which featured in Bello Collectibe's top 100 Outstanding Podcasts for 2021 and was nominated for most Inspiring podcast in the The International Women's Podcast Awards. Her work has been nominated for Prix Marulic, HearSay and 60 Sec Radio. At the ARIAs in 2022, her co-production ‘Lights Out: The Last Taboo’, won the Silver Award for Best Factual documentary and her more recent work County Lines was nominated for DIG's awards for outstanding international journalism.
This lecture and presentation was held on Sunday, 25 February 2024, at SONOHR.
An audio walk interweaves the real physical space and the acoustically produced space. The result is a third space (Cardiff/Miller), a completely new reality. But what if the physical space can always be chosen anew by the recipients? What possibilities open up when the audio walk is site-specific yet universally applicable?
In the workshop discussion, Norbert Lang and Ruben Kurschat explore these questions and share their work in the world of audio walks.
Norbert Lang lebt und arbeitet als freier Radiomacher und Soundkünstler in Berlin. Er studierte Kulturwissenschaften und ästhetische Praxis mit den Schwerpunkten Musik und Medien an der Universität Hildesheim und arbeitete für die Redaktion Hörspiel und Medienkunst des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Als Soundkünstler komponiert er für Radio, Tanz und Theater, realisiert Sound Lectures, Audiowalks und Klanginstallationen.
Ruben Kurschat befasst sich seit 2005 mit ortsbezogener Audioarbeit. Er ist Gründer von stadt im ohr und Geschäftsführer von Guidemate sowie Autor einer Reihe von Hörspielen zum Mitlaufen. Er leitet Soundwalks, gibt Workshops und hat die zweijährliche Fachtagung KlangLandStadt ins Leben gerufen. Er ist Gründungsmitglied der SOUNDMARKER und Initiator des Audiowalk-Awards.
This lecture and presentation was held on Sunday, 26 February 2023, at SONOHR.
In his presentation Mark Vernon explores the world of audio archaeology, magnetic memory, lost voices and found sounds through the lens of his practice as a sound artist. At the core of his practice lies a fascination with the intimacy of the radio voice, environmental sound, obsolete media and the reappropriation of found recordings. A rich collection of domestic tape recordings; audio letters, dictated notes, answer-phone messages and other lost voices often find their way into his unorthodox soundworlds and these diverse elements are distilled into radiophonic compositions.
Mark Vernon is a Glasgow based artist. A keen advocate of radio as an art form, he co-runs and curates Glasgow’s art radio station, Radiophrenia. Since 2011 he has co-run Lights Out Listening Group – a bi-monthly listening event focused on creative uses of sound and radio that takes place in complete darkness. His solo music projects have been published through different labels.
This lecture and presentation was held on Sunday, 26 February 2023, at SONOHR.
In this masterclass John Coburn and Tim Shaw present Wild Radio, a practice which encourages communities to consider familiar places (their homes, streets, cities, villages and woodlands) afresh. Using the richness of radio to bring disparate communities of people together. Drawing on their collaborations with rural communities in the North East of England they describe how they have supported people to listen to, record and broadcast their shared sonic environments. By using different listening technologies to capture the sounds of their communities (social, environmental, geological sounds) Wild Radio encourages people to rediscover their immediate sound-worlds.
John Coburn is the founder of Wild Museum, a collaboration of artists, researchers & educators based in the North East of England. Wild Museum produce creative programmes with communities and organisations across the UK, exploring changing human relationships with place, people and the natural world. John is the co-owner of Duke’s Hagg, an ancient and post-industrial woodland in Northumberland.
Tim Shaw is an artist working with sound, light and communication media. Presenting work through perfor- mances, installations and sound walks Tim is interested in how listening environments can be constructed or explored using a diverse range of techniques and technologies. Tim is a Lecturer in Digital Media at Newcastle University and the co-curator of the Walking Festival of Sound.
Dieses Künstler*innen-Gespräch fand am Sonntag 26. Februar am SONOHR 2023 statt.
Audiowalks werden meist spezifisch für einen Ort ent- wickelt, nur selten lassen sie sich ohne grösseren Aufwand für neue Settings adaptieren. Das Projekt Fremd Zuhause geht einen anderen Weg. Der Spazier- gang führt die Hörer:innen entlang von fünf Stationen, die es überall gibt: eine Sitzbank, ein Brunnen, ein Spielplatz, eine Kirche, ein Gemeindehaus. Die App zum Audiowalk generiert den Rundgang per Mausklick und lädt ein, im eigenen Quartier, in der eigenen Stadt neue Wege zu entdecken. Diese Masterclass in Kurzform gibt einen Einblick in den Entstehungsprozess des Audiowalks.
Martin Bezzola (Klanggestalter) ist Komponist und Sound Designer für Hörspiel, Theater und Film.
Karin Bucher ist freie Szenografin, Regisseurin und Kulturvermittlerin für Museen, Theater und Film.
Christina Caprez, ehemals Redaktorin bei SRF 2 Kultur, ist freie Journalistin, Soziologin und Autorin.
Jane Schindler (Stillhart Konzept) ist Grafikerin und spezialisiert auf Kulturprojekte.
«The Marathon» by Akira Kawasaki was part of the SONOHR 2024 programme. Akira tries to translate a dream into an audio piece. Daniela from Radio Gwen interviewed her.
La pièce en direct «At The End You Will Love Me» de Caroline Bernard a été présentée dans le cadre du programme du SONOHR 2024. Lors de notre Live Festival Radio, l'auteure a répondu aux questions de Emma de Radio Vostok.
The live performance «Between Me and You. On the attitude of the audio documentary maker» by Katharina Smets was part of the SONOHR 2024 programme. Jule from Radio Rasa talked to her after her presentation.
Der Klangspaziergang « F_r_iction in the space be_tween» handelt von einer queren europäischen Reiserschriftsteller*in, welche anfangs 20. Jahrhundert unterwegs war. Anastasia von Radio Rasa hat sich anschliessend an den Walk mit den zwei Macherinnen Janis Jirotka und Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders getroffen.
The podcast currently has 85 episodes available.