The coaching industry certainly has it's issues. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel and extremely familiar feeling back when I watched The Tinder Swinder. Over the years life coaches, influencers, money / business coaches and of course MLMs have gotten a bad rap.
Oh... and I'd also be lying if I said I never witnessed seeing women behind the scenes having the financial boundaries violated. Sometimes making multiple 6 figures a year with nothing to show for it in her bank account... and often the culprit is over- investing in high level masterminds... sometimes multiple masterminds.
However.. coaching is also a beautiful thing and it has changed my life. I would not be the man I am today if it wasn't for coaching, internet marketing, self help etc. I drastically improved all areas of my life since the age of 19 because of the incredible information and transformation that is available to all of us.
Dating, Relationships, Fitness, Mindset and Finances are all skills I've been able to learn to live a better life.
But the get rich quick schemes just don't work... my journey was hard at times. It required mastery in all these areas... or being on the path of mastery in some of these areas.
There are plenty of coaches that market and breed entitlement within their clients... thinking being financially free are a few affirmations away. Like it doesn't take mastery and some massive breakthroughs that can feel extremely uncomfortable.
As I write this... after years and years of the coaching industry being at odds it seems that frustration and anger has come to an all time high. Cancel Culture has been prevalent in the new age / coaching space for quite some time now.
Obviously things must be revealed in order to heal... discussions need to be had. There certainly are unethical people out there that are hurting people financially and psychologically. AND there is a ton of unchecked anger with no conscious being thrown at innocent bystanders as well.
In fact for every coach that there is valid criticism for.. there are like 20 coaches who get bullied for minor infractions or absolutely no reason at all. So even if there is a valid problem that needs to be addressed.... is cancel culture actually making this situation better or a lot worse? If there are new age and coach cults... has anti coaching also become a cult?
Fuck Cancel Culture:
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